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Single Quadrupole LCMS

Waters ZQ 2000 LCMS

The Waters ZQ2000 is a single quadruple mass spectrometer for routine LC/MS analysis, primarily for molecular weight identification of unknowns, molecular weight determination of trace impurities, and routine qualitative and quantitative analysis of products.

Quality scanning range: 2-2000

Sensitivity:1pg reserpine: 50:1 S/N (ESI+)

fast switching between positive and negative ions

Detection Interface: MKIIZ type interface, resistant to volatile buffer salts

Built-insyringe pump: software control, flow rate range: 1-500μL/min


1. Waters ZQ2000 Single Quadrupole Mass Spectrometer

2. Mass spectrometer pre-stage vacuum pump

3. HPLC section: Waters 2695 HPLC hostand Waters 2996 PDA detector

4. Software: Waters MassLynx V4.1LCMS system software


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